7 Surprising Uses for Expired Breast Milk

Breast milk is often hailed as "liquid gold" for its numerous health benefits for babies. But what happens when you have leftover or expired breast milk? Before you consider tossing it out, you might want to explore some of its lesser-known uses. While it may no longer be suitable for feeding your little one, expired breast milk can still be a powerful tool in your parenting arsenal. Here are seven surprising ways to repurpose expired breast milk:

1. Heal Cracked Nipples

Breastfeeding can sometimes lead to sore, cracked nipples, especially in the early stages. Instead of reaching for a cream, try applying a few drops of expired breast milk directly onto the affected area. Breast milk contains natural antibodies and moisturising properties that can help soothe and heal the skin. After feeding or pumping, simply express a small amount of milk, rub it onto your nipples, and let it air dry.

2. Breast Milk Baths

Give your baby a soothing and nourishing bath by adding a few ounces of expired breast milk to their bathwater. The milk's natural fats and vitamins can help moisturise your baby’s skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Breast milk baths are particularly beneficial for babies with dry skin or those who suffer from conditions like eczema. Simply fill the bathtub with warm water, add the breast milk, and let your baby soak for 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Treat Baby Acne

Baby acne is a common skin condition that affects many newborns. The good news is that expired breast milk can help clear up those tiny blemishes. The milk's natural antibacterial properties can help reduce inflammation and prevent further breakouts. Gently dab some expired breast milk onto the affected areas using a clean cotton ball, and allow it to air dry. Repeat this process a few times a day until the acne clears up.

4. Treat Diaper Rash

Diaper rash can be uncomfortable for babies, but expired breast milk might offer some relief. The milk's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce redness and irritation, while its natural enzymes promote healing. To use, clean your baby's diaper area thoroughly, then apply a small amount of expired breast milk to the rash. Allow it to air dry before putting on a fresh diaper. Repeat this process with each diaper change until the rash improves.

5. Relieve Ear Infection Pain

If your baby is suffering from an ear infection, expired breast milk can provide some natural relief. Breast milk contains antibodies that can help fight infection and reduce pain. Warm a small amount of expired breast milk to body temperature, then use a dropper to place a few drops into the affected ear. While this isn’t a substitute for medical treatment, it can help soothe your baby’s discomfort until you can see a healthcare provider.

6. Treat Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can cause dryness, itching, and irritation. Applying expired breast milk to the affected areas can help soothe the skin and reduce flare-ups. The milk's natural moisturising properties can also prevent further drying. To use, apply a thin layer of expired breast milk to the eczema patches, and allow it to absorb into the skin. You can also add a few ounces of expired breast milk to your baby’s bath for an all-over treatment.

7. Treat Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is a common scalp condition in infants that causes flaky, dry patches. Expired breast milk can help loosen these flakes and moisturise the scalp. To treat cradle cap, gently massage a small amount of expired breast milk into your baby’s scalp, focusing on the affected areas. Let it sit for a few minutes before gently brushing away the flakes with a soft brush or comb. Follow up with a gentle shampoo to rinse out the milk.

Expired breast milk may not be suitable for feeding, but it’s far from useless. Its natural healing and moisturising properties make it a versatile remedy for a variety of common baby ailments. By repurposing expired breast milk, you can continue to provide your baby with its benefits, even beyond feeding time - just make sure to clearly mark your storage bags to ensure expired milk is distinguishable. Always remember to consult with your GP or midwife before trying any new treatments, especially if your baby has sensitive skin or a known allergy.

image credit: Fanny Renaud


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