Normalise the Postpartum Journey

This is so important, we wanna shout it from the rooftops!

Time to have an open conversation about the postpartum experiences that all mums go through, regardless of the type of birth.

Let’s normalise the fact that every woman experiences postpartum bleeding, even after a Caesarean section. This bleeding is perfectly normal and stems from the healing process in your uterus after the placenta detaches. The first days can be HEAVYYY.

Let's also normalise the phenomenon of leaking breasts. It’s the body's natural response to childbirth to produce milk when it thinks baby needs it. It doesn't matter if you plan to breastfeed or not; your milk might still make an appearance!

Let's address a common issue that often goes unspoken: haemorrhoids. They're more common than you might think, and various factors, like hormonal changes and constipation, can contribute to them. They're uncomfortable but not uncommon.

Let’s normalise the emotional rollercoaster that follows childbirth. This major life change impacts the mental as well as physical! Hormones can take you on a journey from feeling elated to low, nervous to empowered, confident to vulnerable. It's all part of the process and we should also consider our mental state when thinking of the healing process.

And lasty, let's not forget that these experiences also happen to mums who've been through late miscarriages or stillbirths. To all you incredible mums out there, your journey is valid, and we're here for you.💜

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