Top 3 Things You Can do for Your Friend Who Just Had a Baby

We asked our community what the best thing they received during their postpartum period was and, surprisingly, the same answers kept coming back! Here are the top 3 things you can do for a friend who just had a baby:

  1. Food

    Skip the cute baby gifts, the most repeated answer was about food! It’s no secret that everyone feels better with a full belly–either bring a home-cooked meal or snacks, arrange for food delivery or come over to cook. Providing nutrition is the ultimate form of care, especially when someone is too tired or preoccupied to take care of something so vital for themselves. If you’re planning to cook for them at their home, make sure to read the next point ;)

  2. Helping with Cleaning

    You may have heard of nesting (when a mum-to-be has a sudden urge to clean up their surroundings and prepare for baby) but all of this goes out the window once baby has arrived. A good way to show your support is by picking up a cleaning task, like dishes, laundry, or tidying up. Mess can be overwhelming for some and helping those keep their environment clean is a kind way to let your friend focus on their new chapter.

  3. Taking on a Task or Chore

    Similar to the previous point, this can also extend to other household tasks or chores–like running an errand or taking their toddler out of the house! Sometimes, we get so distracted by the excitement of meeting a little one that we end up being a guest rather than a help. Instead, let your friend sit back or rest while you take care of them! Remember, it can sometimes be hard to ask for help—try to be proactive if you can and come up with ways to be supportive without being asked. That said, don’t forget about boundaries, you can always suggest what you’re thinking of before actually doing it.


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