Considering that not every birth is the same, we curated this box to meet the most common needs of a person's postpartum journey — keeping the potential for waste as minimal as possible.


This box is handy for first-time parents as preparing for the unknown is hard.

That said, it can be great for any expectant mother to take as part of their hospital bag. It saves preparation time and you will be ready for all types of potential healing needs.


The quick answer is to provide expectant women with practical supplies they might not know they need for their postpartum recovery and empower them with knowledge. The bigger picture, though, is to make this available to all expectant women, including those who have a low income—because care should never be influenced by income or social status. Each purchase brings awareness to the need for practical postpartum care which every woman has a right to.

With a donation scheme in progress, we plan to work with hospitals & maternity services that can make sure a Coco Birth Box goes to those who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford it.


The idea for Coco Birth Box came to me during my postpartum recovery after having my daughter, nicknamed Coco. As I navigated the early days of motherhood, I felt overwhelmed and underprepared for the physical and emotional challenges that naturally come after childbirth. Despite all the resources I had for Coco, there was a glaring lack of support for my recovery and well-being. This gap was even more apparent when I reflected on the baby care sample pack I had received during a midwife appointment. It was full of helpful items for the baby, yet nothing addressed the needs of a recovering mother.

Inspired by that sample pack, I created a box of postpartum care supplies for my close friends who were about to give birth. I wanted them to feel supported and prepared for the surprises that come during one's postpartum journey, something I felt was lacking in my own experience. I hoped to provide them with the tools and knowledge they needed to care for themselves while caring for their newborns.

Since then, Coco Birth Box has grown into a business focused on spreading that support to as many as possible. Each box is curated with products and resources that address the holistic needs of new mothers to make the postpartum period a little smoother and supported. Every woman and mother deserves it, especially during such a significant and vulnerable time.

Alex founder of Coco Birth Box